18 replies on “Sponsorship Opportunity”

  1. The site will not allow me to complete the transaction without choosing a shipping option.

  2. Great idea guys. My 93 badge will be displayed proudly. Are you going to provide periodic updates as to how much sponsorship has been received?

  3. Thanks everyone!

    I’ve added to the top right corner of the page the amount of the current Sponsorship that will be updated as needed or daily, whichever comes first.

    Also, on the sponsor page I have everyone listed. You would want your site linked or would rather your NAM/MINI2 handle be displayed, email db@whiteroofradio.com and I’ll take care of it.

  4. Wow, Over $1600 in a day. What a great community. By the way, as a suggestion, maybe you can have Randy on soon after each future race to give a race report/play-by-play.


  5. I haven’t even met the guy yet but will at Summit Point! Got my (business) name on his car though. $100 well spent.

  6. WOW!!!!

    You guys are absolutely amazing! I was really worried about getting the car back together, but it looks like it can happen for sure now! We are working hard to make it happen.

    THANKS TO EVERYONE!!! I can’t say enough about this community.

    I’ll find room for anyone who wants to be on the car.

    Randy #93
    Long live the Mule!

  7. Anything to support Webb Racing… or as I now like to call it
    WingNut & Webb Racing. ;-}

  8. Hey guys! Another big thanks!

    We also received support from Bob Karch via a credit card, so add his $100 to the list!!


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