Support White Roof Radio

On August 1st, 2014, White Roof Radio will be celebrating our 9th anniversary. And it’s time time to kick things up a few notches!

You guys have been offering to help out for as long as I can remember, now here it your chance. We aren’t charging for the show (will be free forever!), just giving you a chance to help support what we do. By support, I mean provide the ability to grow the show through advertising and getting word to the dealer network. Give us the ability to cover more MINI events like MINIs on the Dragon, MINIs in the Mountains and other National MINI events that we don’t get to cover.

Patreon will help you to help us! It’s easy to set up, you can set a maximum budget and stop contributing at any time. You don’t even have to contribute! White Roof Radio will remain free as long as we do the show. This of this more as an on-going Kickstarter-type program.

Ready to start? to get started. And, thanks!

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