Back from AMVIV, we talk about that, news from MotoringFile, jet powered MINI Coopers that crash and how children don’t like to drive. All this and more on this weeks episode.
Video: AMVIV Motorama
A little shaky cam video from AMVIV this last weekend. It was taken during the Motorama, which is a fancy word for going out to look at some cool MINI Coopers and raise money for a good cause.
We are back to recording this week. Show will be live (audio) as well starting shortly after 9p CST. Join us!
Woofcast #530: Just Sell ‘Em

We’ve got a big pile of show for you guys this week! Todd tells us about SEMA, Alex was glad we missed making a fresh show last week (one of our best shows ever in our opinion), and all of the news that’s fit to print from MotoringFile. And we might make a little bit of fun of Pinterest.
Alex would like you to stop marking on his BMW with a Sharpie and go over to iTunes and leave a fresh review if you haven’t already. I would like to remind you about our Patreon page. If we can hit $100 per show, we will be sending out a stick of butter to all Patrons! And, by stick of butter, we mean a cool package of White Roof Radio stuff, and maybe a stick of butter.
We also remind you guys about AMVIV. A MINI Vacation in Vegas will be happening in 2015! For those of you have been, you already know, for those that haven’t, you aren’t going to want to miss it! It’s always a great event and the new venue should be awesome!
AMVIV is BACK! AMVIV 11 happening May 2015!

Look what we got to wake up to this fine Tuesday. AMVIV is back, baby! A MINI Vaction in Vegas is the event, May 28th – 31st 2015 is the date, Silverton Casino Lodge is the place.
Sin City MINI Club is happy to announce
AMVIV 11 will be May 28 – 31, 2015 at the Silverton Casino Lodge in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Registration for the event is tentatively set to open in February 2015.
Hotel rooms at the host hotel are available for booking at reduced group rates:
May 28 - $40/night
May 29 - $59/night
May 30 - $59/night
May 31 - $40/night
To book your room, contact Room Reservations at (866) 946-4373 and ask for the code “MIN0528” in order to receive the special rate prior to May 15, 2015.
More complete information will follow as it becomes available. Be sure to watch your Inbox and to stay up to date.
Hope to see you in May!
You can keep up with all of the happenings and updates by following on Facebook!
Woofcast #454

It’s db, Todd, Gabe and Chad talking about MINIs for you on a Monday night, like they like to do. News from MotoringFile kicks us off and we end up going a little all over the place, just like we like to do. Paceman talk is the bulk, but we talk Dakar and the new Clubman package too! In case you missed any of the WRR/MF interviews with Jim McDowell and Dr. Kay Segler follow those links to get them!
Remember to mark those calendars. The Phoenix Tech Day is March 2nd. If you want cool graphics on your MINI before AMVIV, this is the time to do it! It’s happening in Tempe, Arizona at Eurotechs, which is only about a 5 hour drive from Vegas and SoCal. At least it is the way you guys drive!
Woofcast 454:
Download | WRR @ iTunes | 23.5MB |49:31| Show Notes
Woofcast #453

The MINI you see above, the JCW Paceman, was the topic for this weeks show, along with a few other nuggets from the NAIAS in Detroit, news from MotoringFile and even an Ask Chad question. WRR HQ in Kansas experienced technical difficulties, so you don’t get that. What you do get are some fantastic interviews that Gabe and Nathaniel did while at the NAIAS with some of the who’s who at MINI and MINIUSA!
You also hear about some event updates. First up is the Eurotechs Tech Day, featuring our man Todd working the custom graphics. If you want to get on some of that, sign-up before spaces run out! You could wait for AMVIV in May, but there might not be enough time. You can also watch for Todd at the Philly Meeting later in March. There might be a small spot still open for graphics, use the link above to contact Todd to find out.
Also, if you missed it, got an update this week, you should check it out.
Woofcast 453:
Download | WRR @ iTunes | 25.6MB |53:58| Show Notes
MINI United Officially Announced!
For those of you that missed it over at MotoringFile, it’s official! MINI United is on for May 11-13, 2012! Click over for the full press release and details that we have right now.
We’ve mentioned this on the show already, but 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty busy year in the MINI Community, and White Roof Radio is going to be there every step of the way! You will be seeing us at Dealer Grand Openings, The Dragon, AMVIV 9 and, with any luck, MINI United. Finally, MTTS has been confirmed for next summer and you know we’ll be all over that, right?
Who’s excited?