The ‘Triple Three’ will be available shortly. While you wait, why not have a look at what the boys did at AMVIV a few weekends ago. A little something we like to call White Roof Radio Live!
There are 4 videos total and all can be viewed at (downloads to follow in a couple of days) or the WRR YouTube Channel.
Getting close to closing out February and it would seem that you folks out in White Roof Radio land are still enjoying this little dog and pony show that Todd, Gabe, Chad and I put together every week. Click the graphic above to see that WRR is currently holding down the #6 spot for audio automotive podcasts! That’s better than Car & Driver, all of the Motortrend shows and Autoblog!
You rule!
We’ve got a big month coming up that you aren’t going to want to miss! First up, I will be at MINI of Ontario for the blood drive on February 27th. If you think you are going to make it, RSVP on Facebook or call Colin at 909.390.1818 to let him know you are coming. It’s going to be pretty awesome.
If you haven’t been over there yet, here is a short video to give you a taste of how cool it is!
After that, Todd and I will both be back at MINI of Ontario on March 6th for their Grand Opening! It’s going to be a HUGE party that you won’t want to miss! Bonus, if you aren’t in SoCal, you might not have too. Stay tuned for details coming. UPDATE: If you are planning on attending, please RSVP on Facebook or email
Finally, at the end of March we will all be at AMVIV! We say this every year, but we honestly think that this is the year you are not going to want to miss! It is going to be EPIC!
Thanks for listening, thanks for sticking with us and thanks for spreading the word. It’s because of you, the fine White Roof Radio listener, that we do this!
rel=”lightbox”>But what happened to Woofcast 291? Well, it’s a funny story, but we’ll get to that later.
This episode we cover news, as always, from, but not so much with Gabe’s new car pictured here. You can, however, read about it here (pt 1) and here (pt 2).
Plus a quick AMVIV wrap-up.
But what about Woof291? You see, we recorded it live from Vegas. But, if I’m honest, it’s listenable. Not to worry because we did capture it on video. You don’t care about the video, but the audio is awesome and I will be posting that this coming weekend.
Wow, what a great weekend! HUGE congrats to The Sin City MINI Club and the AMVIV commitee for putting on yet another fantastic event!
We’ve been working hard to get everything up and posted for you! All of the video (so far) is up at Here is a sample.
You can check out the photos here. Be sure to do a search at Flickr for AMVIV as there are a TON of great photos from some of the best MINI photographers in the country!
We still have audio and a little more video that you aren’t going to want to miss. We did a live show from AMVIV that some of you caught online plus camera were rolling for the banquet! All of that will be coming up later in the week.
Quite a bit of chatter about my new camera, affair-proofing a MINI, Molly Wood, the weather in Kansas City, Todd sells 2 MINIs and Fireball Tim is selling his.
Before we get into the content portion of the show, Robert in Toronto checks in. You can search for his AMVIV videos over at YouTube or check him out at his other podcast at It’s great fun!
Gabe checks in via satellite phone from an undisclosed location and he talks a little about the 135i he drove last week then Todd and Gabe spend pretty much the rest of the show waxing poetic about all things JCW and then on to talking about cars built in America. No, really.
Don’t forget, AMVIV is coming up at the end of the month and we have some cool stuff planned for those of you that aren’t going to make it. I’ve updated and warmed up and will be partnering with WRR listener and show producer Sherwin Smith from BehindTheVroom for any video we do. So, get over there and get subscribed!
Finally, if you are going to AMVIV and want Todd to install graphics on your MINI, you should contact him very soon.
For those that aren’t subscribed to the email list (you can subscribe here), here is the latest AMVIV 09 update from Grandmaster Agro.
For those of you that are concerned about the Station Casinos, please be sure to pay very close attention to the first paragraph.
I was just cruising through the attendee list and see that Canada will be representin’ big time, as will the PDX area. Of course, White Roof Radio will be there too.
Hi everyone. I’ve had a few worried emails from people concerned about Station Casinos bankruptcy talks. I just got off the phone with Connie at Palace and she assures me that this is no problem for us. Palace Station will be operating exactly as in prior years for AMVIV and we have nothing to worry about on that front.
On a different but still Palace related note, I convinced her to extend the group rate on the hotel by another week and a half. Our pickup is lower than in past years, so they are willing to work with us to get you the best rate we can. I know that people are concerned about finances and such, but this is a cheap Vegas weekend, especially if you can mostly stay away from the machines and tables.