Look what we got to wake up to this fine Tuesday. AMVIV is back, baby! A MINI Vaction in Vegas is the event, May 28th – 31st 2015 is the date, Silverton Casino Lodge is the place.
Sin City MINI Club is happy to announce
AMVIV 11 will be May 28 – 31, 2015 at the Silverton Casino Lodge in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Registration for the event is tentatively set to open in February 2015.
Hotel rooms at the host hotel are available for booking at reduced group rates:
May 28 - $40/night
May 29 - $59/night
May 30 - $59/night
May 31 - $40/night
To book your room, contact Room Reservations at (866) 946-4373 and ask for the code “MIN0528” in order to receive the special rate prior to May 15, 2015.
More complete information will follow as it becomes available. Be sure to watch your Inbox and amviv.com to stay up to date.
Hope to see you in May!
You can keep up with all of the happenings and updates by following on Facebook!