Before going further, do make sure you have registered for the MTTS event you are going to be attending. Besides saving $10, you will get a bag of swag for sure and the proceedes go to local charities. Win-win in my book!
Now, to keep up with all of the action.
- All photos will be on my Flickr, in the MTTS 2008 Flickr group and on Todd’s Flickr
- All videos will be posted to for download and Vidder to watch
- Updates, as they happen, will come from Twitter, including when we broadcast live via
- All audio will, of course, be up on WRR for download with a player on
To make things easier, I have set up a special RSS feed (actually it’s ATOM, but it will work in any reader) that will aggregate Twitter, Flickr, WRR and You can subscribe to that here.
I have already posted our possible live schedule here in case you missed it. Keep in mind that this is very tentative and is very much subject to change. This is where twitter will come in handy to keep up-to-date should things change.
Stay tuned! things are just getting warmed up!