Mobile friendly MTTS Updates

title=”MTTS Route Map by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>MTTS Route Map

Going on MTTS? Looking for something to get you even more excited about it while you wait for Woofcast 346? Have an iPhone/iPad/Android device and can’t access the MTTS website? Well Ladies and Gents, We’ve got you covered.

I have set up a page for MTTS Updates that is mobile friendly! It’s the same pages from the MTTS site, so when they update them there, they will update here as well. Go ahead, check it out. NOTE You will have to switch the mobile theme off for the page to display correctly. Once you do that, it should show up on your mobile device.

A few more pre-MTTS notes for you. If you are using an iPhone, open the app store and download the MINI Link app. If you are using any smart phone, now would be a good time to embrace Twitter. Once you do that, you can follow all of the WRR boys here. You can also get updates for MTTS from MINI USA by following @MTTS2010, @MTTS2010_east (if you are coming in from east of the Rockies) or @MTTS2010_west if you are coming in from west of the Rockies.

Woofcast 346 will be ready later today.