Woofcast #520


Regular service has resumed. Joined by Todd, Chad and Alex “The New Guy” Sitbon (read his F56/#mtts2014 review on MotoringFile). We recap MINI Takes the States, the F56, Todd’s morning jokes and a few other things that we side track onto. It’s nice to be back!

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iPhone 5 + MINI Connected = Works


A topic of discussion under the White Roof lately has been whether or not the iPhone 5 works with MINI Connected. We discussed it at length over the past few shows. Finally, with some testing done, it can be reported that MINI Connected does work with the iPhone 5 as we discussed during Woofcast 441.

We originally heard that the iPhone 5 wouldn’t be supported at this time. Apple isn’t making the connector available to OEMs until November. Once it is available, testing and further development can begin and it’s being reported that a final solution will not be available until mid 2013. We are not sure what those updates will entail.

Also, while most of the features still work, there are a few features, like video out, that do not. We have also discovered that when using the Apple 0.2m 30-pin to Lightning adapter, the iPhone does not charge, but it will with the full sized adapter. This from Motoringfile.com reader Zubin:

When I used the “Y” cable with my 09 JCW Convertible with the “Lightning to 30pin Adapter”, I can access all my music and play lists and my iPhone 5 charges without issue (albeit very slowly). Now here is the interesting and weird thing which I believe is undocumented so far. When I use the “Y” cable with my 090 JCW Convertible with the “Lightning to 30pin 0.2m Adapter” I can access all my music, but IT WILL NOT CHARGE the iPhone.

Read his entire comment here.

It would seem that the lack of charging and other issues with the 0.2m Adapter aren’t only issues with MINI Connected. A quick search shows users of the DICE system as well as Audi’s in car system are having similar issues. It might have something to do with the connector, as described at apple.com:

This adapter lets you connect devices with a Lightning connector to many of your 30-pin accessories. Support for analog audio output, USB audio, as well as syncing and charging. Video output not supported. Some 30-pin accessories are not supported.

We are watching for updates and will share those when we find them!

White Roof Radio + MINI Connected


You read that correctly gang. Your pals at White Roof Radio have been working tirelessly to make sure that you can get your WRR fix almost everywhere you go. This includes the desktop, your mobile device and, of course, MINI Connected.

At your desk at work? Want to listen without having to subscribe? You can! Open iTunes, go into Radio -> News / Talk and scroll to the bottom. Rather listen on your portable communications device? If you are rockin’ the ‘droid, check out TuneIn Radio. You can also find us in WunderRadio which is available for the Droid, Blackberry, Windows Phone and iPhone. Search White Roof Radio in any of these and we should pop right up.

For those of you that want White Roof Radio on MINI Connected, we’ve been trying, but need your help! You see, we are showing up everywhere and in all of the apps except MINI Connected and are wondering if you, the best looking podcast audience ever invented, could do us a solid?

Start by clicking on this link. Once on that page click the green button that says Tell Us to Fix it. In the comment box let them know that you would really like to have access to this show in MINI Connected. Say please. Say thank you. Tell them you love the app and how much better it would be if your favorite MINI Cooper podcast was available.

Go forth White Roof Radio Army and conquer! We’ll be sure to update as we know more.

This is a beta feature so it might seem weird or wonky or maybe a little behind. I’m working on everything in the background, so don’t worry. It will be what you expect and more very, very soon!