MINI United Officially Announced!

For those of you that missed it over at MotoringFile, it’s official! MINI United is on for May 11-13, 2012! Click over for the full press release and details that we have right now.

We’ve mentioned this on the show already, but 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty busy year in the MINI Community, and White Roof Radio is going to be there every step of the way! You will be seeing us at Dealer Grand Openings, The Dragon, AMVIV 9 and, with any luck, MINI United. Finally, MTTS has been confirmed for next summer and you know we’ll be all over that, right?

Who’s excited?

Woofcast #362


Weather? On a MINI Cooper podcast? Well, yea. Welcome to White Roof Radio.

Todd, Nathaniel and I talkin’ MINI stuff for you this week. Tons of news from, making up for lost time over the Christmas holiday. Things like the Paceman, MINI Connected (go on, read the EULA. We dare you) and some event updates. Not to mention a brand new Outmotoring discount code for January and I declare MINI of Ontario bootgate capital of Southern California.

Speaking of events, kicking everything off with Motoringfile and White Roof Radio heading to D-Town for the North American International Auto Show to talk to people and take pictures of cool MINI stuff and have an excuse to wear a blazer.

Download | WRR @ iTunes | 26.6MB | 58:03

Whiteroofradio and Motoringfile at MINI United 2009

It’s confirmed! White Roof Radio and Motoringfile will be represented at MINI United 2009, happening Memorial Day Weekend at Silverstone Raceway in England.

For those of you that aren’t able to make it, not to worry. You’ll be able to play along with the MINI United Home Game right here! As we have in the past, Todd and I will be capturing as much as we can via photos, audio and video and all of that will end up right here as well as Motoringfile.

The best way to keep up with the action is to subscribe to WRR in iTunes, follow along at Facebook or follow the WRR Twitter Machine.

Coverage will be begin Thursday, May 21st. Stay Tuned!

Woofcast #295

A show for the masses this one. Gabe joins us after hanging out with robots and super models all week to talk MINI and BMW with us tonight. And keeping Todd busy with the bleep button.

I saw BMW because we start with Gabe giving us a quick low down on his 335D test car. He really likes it and thinks you should too. Watch for that review to show up on Motoringfile and Bimmerfile very soon.

After all of that, we finally get into news of the week from MotoringFile including getting Gabe’s take on pretty much all of it followed by a voicemail call from our good friend Jim ‘Trader’ Skater. You too can play along by calling 206-202-3252.

We lost Gabe and wrapped up talking about the Chrysler BK and the possible Fiat bailout. Could be interesting.

Don’t forget, it’s official. Todd and I are both going to be at MINI United in 2 weeks! If you aren’t, don’t worry, we are going to hook you up with the most complete coverage that you can find anywhere. Full details to follow later in the week.

Woofcast 295 :

Download | 19.3MB | 42:10 | WRR @ iTunes

We are a little behind


It’s been crazy busy under the White Roof lately. Both Todd and myself have been working on getting ready for MINI United and staying busy otherwise. And, due to circumstances beyond our control, we weren’t able to record a show last week.

Not to worry, because we were able to get Gabe last night for a rousing version of the news, as always, from Todd says he’ll be getting that ready to post as soon as possible, and I will be posting that here.

With MINI United coming up in just a few weeks, the WRR schedule _might be a little out of whack for the next few weeks. Don’t worry, we are going to be recording shows right up until MINI United, but the release day might be a little off.

I will have a MINI United update coming very very soon. If you are going, sound off in the comments!

And yes, I was just looking for an excuse to post a photo of the Life Ball MINI. C’mon, you know you like it!