Woofcast #454

>jcw paceman

It’s db, Todd, Gabe and Chad talking about MINIs for you on a Monday night, like they like to do. News from MotoringFile kicks us off and we end up going a little all over the place, just like we like to do. Paceman talk is the bulk, but we talk Dakar and the new Clubman package too! In case you missed any of the WRR/MF interviews with Jim McDowell and Dr. Kay Segler follow those links to get them!

Remember to mark those calendars. The Phoenix Tech Day is March 2nd. If you want cool graphics on your MINI before AMVIV, this is the time to do it! It’s happening in Tempe, Arizona at Eurotechs, which is only about a 5 hour drive from Vegas and SoCal. At least it is the way you guys drive!

Woofcast 454:

Download | WRR @ iTunes | 23.5MB |49:31| Show Notes

Woofcast #432

Another rousing episode of White Roof Radio mostly revolving around the photo above. Good stuff, you should like it! If you are looking for Ask Chad, we ran late this so we did it as a stand-alone episode that you can download when you like. And, for the record, Nathaniel likes the Countryman. here’s proof.

Woofcast 432:

Download | WRR @ iTunes | 29.8MB | 1:03:17 | Show Notes

Woofcast #431

We’re back! Some catch up with news at Motoringfile.com leads us into some great discussions about the Countryman and the Paceman, among others. Watch for an Ask Chad catch up, hopefully before the end of the week!

Some catch up with news at Motoringfile.com leads us into some great discussions about the Countryman and the Paceman, among others. Watch for an Ask Chad catch up, hopefully before the end of the week!

As mentioned in the show, you can read my thoughts about the JCW Roadster here, Todd’s here and listen to Nathaniel talk about Scooterfile here.

Woofcast 431: Continue reading “Woofcast #431”