The Spy Ads Are Here

Well, they’re actually not here. They’re there (in magazines, in the U.S.). The super secret kit is not available in Canada, but the first ad is now appearing in the August issue of Business 2.0.

Check it out:


If you have a spy kit, can you translate for your WRR friends around the world? We hate being left out of anything MINI!


9 thoughts on “The Spy Ads Are Here”

  1. Well done, Ian. However, what I really want is a spy kit to go in my MINI trophy case of MINI swag, trinkets and trash!

    I’m prepared to trade an empty MINI keychain box (from one of those nice metal band and wings keychains) for a Spy Kit with all the trimmings.

    Any takers ready to ship their stuff to Canada, eh?


  2. I have my decoder, and can see what is on the bottom of the roof, but I still can not figure out the top part. Any help?

  3. Kit arrived same day as New Yorker magazine wtih ad page! Talk about timing – these marketing guys are on it. Just shift the decoder around on the page and then have your VIN nearby. Why not have some fun and promote the brand!

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