The way I see it…

I’ve been keeping a really close eye on iTunes lately, watching our rank go up and down, but staying in the top 20 (!) in the transportation category for the entire month! What is even better than that, for the last week we have been the #1 Automotive podcast* in iTunes!

Thanks for listening and helping to spread the word! If you keep it up, there is a good chance we might even break into the top 100 on iTunes!

Thanks gang!

*The Car and Driver radio show does not count. It was previously broadcast over the airwaves and internet and repurposed as a podcast after the fact. All of the other listings in the transportation directory are video casts or not automotive.

6 thoughts on “The way I see it…”

  1. As a new subscriber on iTunes, congratulations on your top 20 ranking. I hope the top 10 is breached soon. I always pick up valuable information from all of you, and the time flies by, just like when I’m driving my MC. Thanks for all the effort you put into the production.

  2. LOVE the show yall put on. I am new to the site and loving it more and more. If you go to a video poscast please also offer the audio version as well. It is great to watch the podcastes but if your just lissening to it then the extra 100+ meg download is a waste. However I would like videos for special events or for product reviews or installs.

    keep up the great work!

  3. >If you go to a video poscast please also offer the audio version as well. It is great to watch the podcastes but if your just lissening to it then the extra 100+ meg download is a waste. However I would like videos for special events or for product reviews or installs.

    We won’t be going to a video podcast anytime soon. Current technology kinda puts a damper on that. But we are going to try playing with some video for reviews and possible while Todd and I are in Vegas.

  4. i thoroughly enjoy your podcasts and have raved about them on my blog – another category that handles epic motoring events is ‘Sport’, where you can hear that crazy gareth Jones on Speed!

    Keep up the great work.. it’s appreciated.

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