Upgrade complete

A quick upgrade to WRR. Things might look a bit funny for a day or two.

As a bonus, I was able to activate Markdown for the comments. I’ll put some notes below the main comment box.

3 thoughts on “Upgrade complete”

  1. I’m pretty sure the feedburner feed isn’t working properly. I’m only seeing the podcast-related posts, none of the others, like this one. It looks proper if I bypass feedburner, however. What’s the attraction to feedburner, anyway? I often find myself finding ways around using it because they do funky caching or break feeds in other ways.

  2. Feedburner is working fine. You must have missed this post:
    >I’m setting the feedburner feed to only grab the podcasts, none of my silly posts. Don’t worry, I’m giving you a link to the full feed below.

    If you want everything, use this feed instead.

    It was the only way to get more shows into iTunes without making the main page 4 miles long.

  3. Feedburner is working fine. You must have missed this post

    Yep. Chicken and egg problem, that was. 😉

    I’m all better now! Thanks, db.

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