We are a little behind


It’s been crazy busy under the White Roof lately. Both Todd and myself have been working on getting ready for MINI United and staying busy otherwise. And, due to circumstances beyond our control, we weren’t able to record a show last week.

Not to worry, because we were able to get Gabe last night for a rousing version of the news, as always, from Motoringfile.com. Todd says he’ll be getting that ready to post as soon as possible, and I will be posting that here.

With MINI United coming up in just a few weeks, the WRR schedule _might be a little out of whack for the next few weeks. Don’t worry, we are going to be recording shows right up until MINI United, but the release day might be a little off.

I will have a MINI United update coming very very soon. If you are going, sound off in the comments!

And yes, I was just looking for an excuse to post a photo of the Life Ball MINI. C’mon, you know you like it!

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