You read that correctly gang. Your pals at White Roof Radio have been working tirelessly to make sure that you can get your WRR fix almost everywhere you go. This includes the desktop, your mobile device and, of course, MINI Connected.
At your desk at work? Want to listen without having to subscribe? You can! Open iTunes, go into Radio -> News / Talk and scroll to the bottom. Rather listen on your portable communications device? If you are rockin’ the ‘droid, check out TuneIn Radio. You can also find us in WunderRadio which is available for the Droid, Blackberry, Windows Phone and iPhone. Search White Roof Radio in any of these and we should pop right up.
For those of you that want White Roof Radio on MINI Connected, we’ve been trying, but need your help! You see, we are showing up everywhere and in all of the apps except MINI Connected and are wondering if you, the best looking podcast audience ever invented, could do us a solid?
Start by clicking on this link. Once on that page click the green button that says Tell Us to Fix it. In the comment box let them know that you would really like to have access to this show in MINI Connected. Say please. Say thank you. Tell them you love the app and how much better it would be if your favorite MINI Cooper podcast was available.
Go forth White Roof Radio Army and conquer! We’ll be sure to update as we know more.
This is a beta feature so it might seem weird or wonky or maybe a little behind. I’m working on everything in the background, so don’t worry. It will be what you expect and more very, very soon!
My polite request for WWR availability on MINI Connected has been sent. In fact requested that WWR should be listed in the MINI Top stations on the app. Just doing my part for those that do so much for the MINI community.
Thanks Guys,
Thanks Jim! We haven’t done enough yet since the update today did not include WRR. Guess we’ll have to keep trying!
Request sent today!
Thanks guys –
And this is the reply I got:
It’s already in the guide do a search for “White Roof”
Sent my request as well. I did a search for “White Roof” in the app as Kyle from RadioTime mentioned but and couldn’t find the station…Let’s remain optimistic!