White Roof Radio Returns LIVE!

You read that correctly boys and girls! White Roof Radio, the world famous MINI Cooper podcast will be making it’s return to the internet!

After taking a 5 week hiatus, we will be back on it starting with Woofcast 275. We will be broadcasting live on Thursday, November 6th, 2008 at 7:00PM PST. Keep an eye on Motoringfile.com and Whiteroofradio.com for details the day of the event.

We’ve been at this for over 3 years now and have over 400 shows under our belt that have been recorded all over the world! Our break has given us the chance to rest, make some changes and get excited about doing the show again.

See you on Thursday!

2 thoughts on “White Roof Radio Returns LIVE!”

  1. Great to hear you guys are back. You’ve been missed. Just curious – the paragraph says you’ll do your live show on Thursday, Nov. 4. I’m wondering if you mean Thursday Nov 6 or Tuesday Nov. 4…or maybe you meant in a few years when Thursday is Nov. 4 — I hope we don’t have to wait that long 😉 Welcome back!!!

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