White Roof Radio Update

title=”Roxy vs. The Countryman by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>Roxy vs. The Countryman

It would seem that we have forgotten to do a show. Actually, not so much. You see, I have been busy relocating WRR HQ West to Arizona (and rolling over 240,000 miles on my MINI) and Todd has had a few things come up of a personal nature that have also required his direct and immediate attention.

Not to fear dear listeners! Todd is heading to Mickey & MINI 6 this week and we’ll be doing a show, plus getting some great interviews from Todd as he hangs out with Florida MINI enthusiasts!

Coming up in future shows you can look forward to quite a bit of scooter talk, more on the R60 and more on the latest news from MotoringFile.com, like we like to do.

In the meantime, might I recommend Woofcast 307? It was recorded September last year with lots of talk about the upcoming MINI Coupe and Speedster. I think you might enjoy it.