Woof 114

Will be late. Circumstances beyond our control if you would.

Might I recommend a trip to the WRR archives?

Woofcast 20 We discussed winter driving tips.

Woofcast 21 for some true comedy.

Woofcast 47 live from Vegas!

As soon as Todd says 114 is ready (sometime Monday), I will get it posted!

Sorry for the delay!

3 thoughts on “Woof 114”

  1. geez, listen to todd badmouth the GP on woof20. ye of little faith! too funny. now i have to find the show where todd changes his mind and announces he’s buying a GP…with ugly red mirror caps and “weak” 4-spokes.

  2. Just goes to show – first impressions are not always lasting impressions. It is funny to see/hear what I thought a year ago and how different I feel today. I’ve done a total 180 on the wheels and red mirror caps in addition to the total look of the car. The GP is one MINI that really does look better in person. I still like the looks of my 2003 Chili Red with UJ roof a little better but I’m glad I have both MINIs.

  3. yeah, well both of your cars do kick ass, i would say. i just remember the first time i saw that GP image pop up on miniusa.com, i thought it looked amazing. i should have ordered it right then.

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