Woofcast #43

Main Topic – The FAQ Show, kinda

Second show of the week we are calling the FAQ show, kinda.

We introduce a new sponsor. Be sure to check out Detailing Concepts, specializing in Zymol products and they sell the MINI specific car care kits.

  • It’s a Cooper or MC. It’s not standard or base. Remember you in the US, the MC is a hot rodded MINI One.
  • The Cooper is one car out of many.
  • It’s M – I – N – I, not Mini. Those are the classics.
  • Calling it a BMW MINI is like saying the GM Pontiac Grand Am, and nobody says that
  • For colors, it’s the first letter of the first word and the first letter of the second word. For example, Pepper White would be PW
  • The ‘S’ does NOT stand for supercharged!
  • The new MCS will NOT be the MCT

Plus a whole lot more!

Comments? Click the comment link below OR feedback@whiteroofradio.com OR (206) 33-WHITE

Todd did the hard part
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23 thoughts on “Woofcast #43”

  1. Thanks for the plug guys. FYI, the MINI kit differs only by the color of the bag. There are several more selections, however the ones on the site are those I have in stock. I placed another order today so I’ll have a few more in a couple days.

  2. Pround JB/B MINI driver here; thats right JB:JET BLACK, very different than Astro Black. My car is British, it was made in England not Germany.
    I also drive an MCS, will there be any differentiation between, the 02-06 and the 07-on in the lettering.

    I vote for MCS GP, assumed JCW.

    Good show!

  3. Hadn’t ever heard of Silk Green MINIs till today. Some gallery searches turned it up. I like it!
    CR, SR or PH I’d never own but would gladly take for free 🙂 (and promply paint). All other colors work for me though PS and DS are way to common.

    So a SG/W MC is a really nice look to. Chrome Exterior and mirror caps add to the effect. Practicing.

  4. Greetings from Bahrain! As I visit the MINI dealer here on this tiny island, all… yes all of the MINI’s are automatics. I don’t understand. Thanks for mentioning the military folks commenting from overseas. You guys rock!

  5. Hey how do you know the “S” in MCS does not or did not stand for Supercharged. Did you name the car?

    Just cuz there is not any coca in Coca Cola any more does not mean they are going to change the name.

  6. I’m not sure if they still do it, but when I lived in the Dallas city limits, I was charged property tax for my cars. It was around $80-$90. This was on top of an annual inspection $40 and registration $60. Nobody else in Texas charges a property tax on vehicles.

    BTW, I think AB gets less love than the LY. It’s hard when your color just gets mixed in with the other blacks.

  7. BTW, My votes goes to MCS JCW GP. You’re going to pay for it, why not get all your letters too.

    Also, what will the color initials be for the GP? Would that be redundant?

  8. Hey how do you know the “S” in MCS does not or did not stand for Supercharged. Did you name the car?

    Just cuz there is not any coca in Coca Cola any more does not mean they are going to change the name.

    Steve – I don’t mean to be a jerk but did you actually listen to the show?

    (A) The first Mini Cooper S came out in the 60’s. There wasn’t even a supercharged engine in a MINI until 2002. Therefore the idea that somehow the “S” stands for supercharged is a bit comical.

    (B) We actually read to you the official definition from MINI on the podcast. I don’t see how it can get any more clear than that.

    (C) MINI has stated publicly the new car will be called a Cooper S.

    Hope that helps.

  9. Thanks for clearing those things up. I HATE when people ask me if I’m the one with that “cute little Cooper”… ’cause first off, its an “S”!!!

    The first letter of each color, doesn’t work all the time… What do you do about these: Silk Green and Solid Gold; Cool Blue and Cosmos Black; Solid Black and Space Blue.

    Can’t wait to see you at AMVIV!

  10. >Also, what will the color initials be for the GP? Would that be redundant?

    Good question. I would think it would be since you never hear or read anyone describing the color of their MC40, right?

    >The first letter of each color, doesn’t work all the time… What do you do about these: Silk Green and Solid Gold; Cool Blue and Cosmos Black; Solid Black and Space Blue.

    You know, that used to not be a problem :D. Great point! I guess we’ll have to go back to the drawing board…

  11. Hmmm, it didn’t take the full comment. Oh well, I’ll answer it again. Yes, I could order one, but they’re too expensive here in Bahrain, and the cost to ship it back wouldn’t be worth it. Plus, my CR/W MCS JCW is waiting for me in Texas. The wife keeps her washed and warm for me. She loves the MINI too.

  12. Hey guys!
    Glad I entertained you via the White Roof Hotline. Best show yet (just because my voice was included).

    I forgot to mention when I called Gabe a meanie (jokingly) that I’m also rolling on stock 15″ hollies in my LY/W MC. (How about that nice use of descriptive letters eh?)


  13. I have to say that I almost never the Cabrio “C” in lower case. I’ve seen MCC and MCSC, but I don’t know that I’ve seen MCc or MCSc. I have seen the automatic’s “a” in lower case and never in upper though. I was trying to figure it out and I think we’ve become manual transmission snobs with the MCS…

    I’ve had people ask about the roof color when I just have SB as my color, almost as if a contrasting roof is so assumed that that you need to identify SB/SB (or whatever) if you have a single color (my JCW does my talking, the rest is subtle and refined or something).

    Anyhow. As far as the new GP, the MC40 is really a MCS right? So Maybe the best designation is simply the MCGP, or even just MINI GP. I think MCGP sounds better of those two.

    Maybe there will be an MCT in the future. It’ll be the MINI Traveller :). The other option would be the MCST. It could even come as a MCSCTa! Our letter designations will soon be bigger than our cars….

  14. A certain WRR host and MotoringFile.com guru (who shall remain nameless) posted an older article from his first MINI driving experience: “First off I was surprised at how capable and flat out fun the base Cooper is.”

    WhatWhatWhat? Did he just say “base” Cooper? 😉

  15. A Holey was the standard wheel on a MINI Cooper until ’06. 15″ in diameter with 7 holes. If you do a build-your-own Cooper at miniusa.com and go to the section where you can select different wheels, you can see it there.

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