Show notes
UPDATE 7-31-2012
Most of the links below no longer work or might go nowhere. Instead of correcting it, I have decided to leave this post as it orignially appeared when it first went live in 2005.
A quick welcome to the new home of the db & Todd podcast.
–Todd has wicked bad allergies and he’s not doing his worst Darth Vader imitation so apologies for the mouth-breathing. Some of that might be db too. We’re working on it.
–Listener feedback always welcome! or, as always, leave a comment in the show notes.
–Sunday’s topic will be dealer service, since we pre-empted it last Sunday. We will be taking listener emails and IM’s at the following addresses.
IM: via AOL Instant Messenger or iChat to WhiteRoofRadio
–Playlist submissions. Send in those motoring mixes to! Todd and I will go through them and select 1 to post over there on the right for the entire week. Preferred method would be a link to an iTunes Music Store iMix, but a list of the track with artist will be ok too.
–Drinking game. I’ll get that posted here in a few days.
db’s levels seemed lower this time. I couldn’t tell what he said about me after listening to that part 5 times over 🙂
We fixed that. Check out #2.
Did you spend all day getting caught up?
Why is Tod so loud when he uses the mic and db isn’t?
We had some technical issues with this episode. We got them fixed up for #2.