Woofcast #112

Lasers, PS3 and the Zune. Oh yea, some MINI stuff. Running time 47:54

It’s backward week for us. Not really sure how it happened, but somehow we spent tonight not talking about the news.

Yes, the fires were that close to db. Big ups to the FD and Forestry guys for keeping the fires at bay! Todd is a Today Show watcher.

1 word: lasers. The way Gabe thinks Al Rocher lost all that weight.

Some good ranting about the Zune. I’m pretty sure we are all against it. No podcast support (when released), won’t work with WMP and if you have to buy ‘points’ to get music.

When we finally get around to MINI stuff…the tire swapping has begun. Winter is upon Gabe (and almost Todd) and the winter tires are coming out of storage. Todd is collecting wheels and Gabe has a single (!) Sumitomo tire in his garage. Yes, we believe it was the tire fairy or Gabe was going to build a tire swing. Todd tells us about jacking up the GP, and it’s pretty amazing. Really, lots of great show here tonight gang, worth checking it out.

Check back tomorrow for news. Of course, you should already be reading about it, as it happens, over at Motoringfile.

db mentioned Pacific Coast Hellway again. Some seriously funny stuff sometimes, definitely very NSFW. If you get around to it, I’d recommend listening to episode 348 for a serious rant about MS and Universal Music.

And, it’s that silly season. We HIGHLY recommend visiting any of the sponsors listed on the right for your MINI parts and accessory needs. And, if you would be so kind to follow the links here (so they know where you came from), we would greatly appreciate it.

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8 thoughts on “Woofcast #112”

  1. Geez guys, 20 minutes of yakking. That’s gotta be a new record for off-topic talk that got into the final cut.

    Once we got past the iPod vs Zune babble I was much happier.

  2. Todd, most people use the front jack point to lift both wheels on one side (this is actually the first time I’ve heard of using the rear jack point for that purpose). Given the weight distribution of the MINI, I’m not surprised that it would be unstable. Is there any reason that you didn’t use the front jack point instead?

  3. Richard – there slighy more clearance under the GP at the rear jack point. It just happened to be the one I tried. I was really just testing out the new jack so I’ll try the front point when it comes time to finally switch wheels.

  4. For those of you having trouble downloading the show….

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  5. Hey Todd, please share your ‘blue headlight’ brand with all of us non-xenon MINI folks so we can look cool and see miles down the road!

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