8 thoughts on “Woofcast #135”

  1. Well guys, great show but Gabe can take a day off when he sounds that bad, he really showed some dedication for that podcast. Love the Sparkling Silver but agree with Todd, it’s a little too old for me and I’m already AARP material. Here in NorCal I don’t see the Dark Silver so much so it wasn’t a problem ordering that color. But I think Black Roofs make most of the MINIs look better, the only exception is the black MINI looks great with a White Roof. What can I say, I like black Ferraris too. Good to hear about db getting a R56, I’ve also got a production number but doubt I’ll get it before Vegas.

  2. Now that it can’t be jinxed, congrats on the order db.

    My last MCS was a BRG/B and I loved the combination. My current is AB/AB which I refer to as British Racing Black as it is not a true Black like the MINI BRG is not a true BRG.

    Speaking of brake cooling. I’ll be testing this soon as in the next week or two I’ll be running v-spokes with the JCW brakes.

  3. I forgot to ask. Will the Sirius/XM merger make any impact on the upcoming audio package that comes with a lifetime subscription to Sirius?

  4. SB – you may want to reconsider. V-spokes do not allow for enough cooling to get into the JCW brakes. MINI specifically recommends against that combination.

  5. Driving to work listening to the podcast (my fav part of the drive in) and BLAM I felt like I got tagged…”Sparkling Silver is too AARP” Ouch! LOL Although I did just turn 40….
    I just switched from Pure Silver to Sparkling Silver over the weekend. A step in the right direction for SoCal?
    Congrats db on the BRG/W, I believe we also have the same Mini Advisor 🙂

  6. It’s hard to tell about the sparkling silver…But to be honest, the ONLY MINI color I wasn’t fond of was liquid yellow….

    BTW, any chance of doing the live podcast again??

  7. >BTW, any chance of doing the live podcast again??

    I’m guessing besides AMVIV? Oh yea. I’ve been playing with Talkshoe a bit and think I about have it figured out enough to do another, and possibly regular, live show(s).

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