Woofcast #16

Main Topic: Cold weather

Cold weather and GoMINI Magazine

-Everyone ate some soup -db hit 100,000 miles! -Cold weather prep, for those of you that need it -Burning CD’s is sooo 20th century -Cool map reader for your color iPod -Todd and Gabe hanging out with in-laws -No MFSW on the xB -Clapper controls for your car? -MINI with dry heaves -db does live on Earth, not Tatuine -We have balance. whew! -Rubber floor mats and extra washer fluid -Do not rev a cold engine! -Driving a MINI in snow is fun -GoMINI stops publishing -Content is king -MC2 releases late November. Pick up a copy! -NAM moderators rock! -db called it -More ackward silence -Re-runs on Motoringfile and dbmini? -decals and other swag are almost ready. -Send in those emails!

Don’t forget to send in those MINI questions. The address is feeback@whiteroofradio.com

db did the hard part Download || Download zip || 24.0MB || 52:32

4 thoughts on “Woofcast #16”

  1. man, not enuff akward pauses…..


    good show as always!
    I hope so-cal gets 5 feet of snow this year, then we will see if db was listening to anything at all!!!

    lets see…what else….
    -the nano is still to small

    -clap on, clap off


  2. Regarding the A/C in winter, it’s a good idea for dehumidification, but most cars don’t allow the compressor to engage when the ambient temperature is below 40รƒโ€šร‚ยบF. It’s possible that MINIs are different, I suppose. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Another fun show.
    How about a cold weather follow on how you deal with the “salt” spray all over and under your cars. You’ll have to explain to db, of course.

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