Gabe gives us an update on his R56. We are keeping fingers crossed that he gets it this week.
We are done with MINI United Audio. We aren’t hiding anything from you. We certainly hope you enjoyed the coverage!
Plus, we do news of the week. You can tell we haven’t done this in a while by the length of the show. It kinda got away from us. Don’t worry, we don’t take nearly as much of your time tomorrow night!
Oh yea, new theme music. Let us know what you think. You know, you can do it below in the comments, email us or via voicemail at (206) 33-WHITE.
Woofcast #167:
Download | 53.5MB | 58:21 | WRR @ iTunes
Transformers? Did somebody say Transformers? Check out show number 30 at http://MobileMovie.ca!!
I saw that! Heck, I even listed! Now, if I could only figure out how to leave a comment on a show at Podshow or remember my password…
Yeah, Podshow’s got a few things to clean up. They claim they built the whole thing upside down, but they’re working on it. They’ve certainly got the money in the bank to do so!
Big show is right! 53.5 MB! The largest WRR so far!
Stereo does that. Back in the day when we did mono they never got this big. They problems started with the Nano. Instead of checking to see if they have been fixed, we keep doing the show in stereo.