Woofcast #232

mini_cooper_d_3.jpgWe could call this a general automotive show. Starting with some talking about St. Patrick’s day and on to our coffee of the day, since we recorded this on Saturday morning.

Moving on to the topic of the day. Navigation systems; in-car vs portable. All the information we could find, advantages of each, disadvantages of each and I’m pretty sure we disagreed on more than one item. This is a show I’m sure all y’all will enjoy!

Gabe will be leaving for holiday on Thursday, so we’ll be without him for 233 & 234, but we will have Robert Gold and Michael Babishkin to do news and a bit of AMVIV preshow. It should be a lot of fun! Maybe I can talk Todd into letting us go live. What do you think? You know what to do!

AMVIV starts next week and our schedule will be a little on the wacky side. Keep an eye on iTunes for audio and video posts (don’t forget to subscribe to the video), plus those posts will be showing up here and Motoringfile.

Woofcast 232:

Download | 21.2MB | 46:08 | WRR @ iTunes

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