Woofcast #234

amviv5shirtback.jpgIt’s the AMVIV crew once again, wandering though the Monday episode of the Woofcast where we talk about the weather, and Robert spanking us about it on one of his shows. Then, some time talking about events in general, including the Dragon. Of all of us, Michael is the only one that has gone to both and he helped us with some info about that.

If you are going to AMVIV, be sure to come by and look us up. If you aren’t going, keep an eye out here, over at Whiteroof.tv for video plus Motoringfile for all of it. It’s going to be a lot of fun and hope you all will be able to follow along.

Until Thursday gang….

Woofcast 234:

Download | 12.9MB | 28:09 | WRR @ iTunes

6 thoughts on “Woofcast #234”

  1. I would so buy the “Don’t Give DB Tequila” badge.

    Also, I like when you guys do guest intros to the show. In fact, it might be cool to get various listeners (excluding myself) to call in the intro to various shows – just for fun.

    Of course, you’ll need the phone line back.

  2. Michael, what flavor of Vespa do you have? Are you on any of the boards like BBS or MV? I got my scoot in November and am looking forward to an 80 mpg summer. What are you riding?

  3. I’ve got a 2006 GranTourismo. I get about 50mpg or so with it. If I rode it just around town I’d probably do better – but I average around 55MPH to 60MPH with a large hill when I go to and from work and that takes a major bite out of the fuel efficiency.

    I poked around the boards a few years ago and was unimpressed. The community at the time wasn’t nearly as interesting or as vibrant as what I was used to on the MINI sites and as a result I never got as enthusiastic about the Vespa community as I did with the MINI community…

  4. Oh fun! I’m kickin’ it old school on my 1979 P200E. It’s older than I am! My wife has a brand new Buddy twist-and-go though. Minnesota weather keeps flirting with being ridable and I think today I’ll ride back to work from lunch. You’re absolutely right about the communities. MINI folk seem to be much more even keeled and there’s a lot less snobbery than you’ll find on say the International Scooterist BBS where they have to have a separate forum for modern riders and vintage folk. I do like ModernVespa.com though. The discussion is actually useful and it’s very helpful in finding local folk. There’s no beating the MINI community. I so wish I was going to AMVIV!

  5. have you guys checked out the ScooterCast? (link on the right). I think you might be able to find some of the community you are missing over there. Maybe.

  6. Yeah, I listened to several episodes of ScooterCast when you first mentioned it on WRR and it was just a little too slow paced for me. There is also something lost in it being just the host rather than a discussion about scooter stuff. I needs me some banter! Maybe later episodes start doing that, but my interest in podsafe music isn’t high enough for me to really sit through the whole thing. There is a particularly good podcast put on by a scooter buddy of mine here in Minneapolis at justgottascoot.com. He generally involves one or two people in the conversation so that things stay interesting. He also regularly has guests from most of the major scooter manufacturers. The downside is that it’s on talkshoe and the audio quality is pretty crappy. I’ll give ScooterCast another look though, since they’re friends of WRR. You guys rock!

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