Woofcast #268

A short show for you tonight, just a quick blast through news at Motoringfile.

Please, take a moment to enjoy some Jerry Reed. Add Hot Stuff to your movie queue for sure if you want some classic Jerry Reed in the movies and you are tired of watching Smokey and the Bandit.

Todd was playing with Dynolicious again on the 737 flying from Vegas to KC. You’ll have to listen for the results!

Twitter? I’m @dbwilldo and Todd is @toddsmods.

Woofcast 268:

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5 thoughts on “Woofcast #268”

  1. Hey Todd,

    Stick to cars! Your knowledge of Jet engines is “Zero”.

    First Jet Engines aren’t rated in bph. They are rated in “Pounds of Thrust”. Depending which Airline you flew on, most 737 use CFM56 Turbofan engines. The CFM56 Engine has between 24,000 & 32,000 pound of Thrust. (depends on engine config.)

    Second, the “empty weight” of 737 is 68,860 lb, then you have to add the weight of the engines, fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, cargo, passengers, baggage, etc, etc.

    Max. take off weight of a 737 is 133,210 lb

    Takeoff thrust of CFM56 Turbofan Engine is appox. 20,000 lbf (per engine)

    Please leave the Aviation technical stuff to those us who actually work on Aircraft and Aircraft engines. Stick to Mini’s.

  2. Wow. Take it easy there, TJ. Your post comes off as a little harsh.

    I get the feeling Todd’s little experiment was done for the fun of it, and I don’t think Boeing is going to redesign their planes based on the data he pulled.

  3. I agree with commenting in the same spirit that the experiment was run…

    And, it so happens, it is possible to convert engine thrust into a measurement of horsepower, so long as you are able to fill in a few variables. This is explained below, using the example of a Boeing 747:

    The conclusion of this explanation is that in order to determine the power a jet creates in flight, we need to know the exact amount of thrust necessary to fly at a particular speed. We typically know the static thrust rating of an engine or the airspeed of a plane during flight, but the problem is that we usually don’t know the amount of thrust that corresponds to a particular speed at a specific point in time. It is because of this disconnect that it is so difficult to calculate the power generated by the engines on a particular plane.

    Luckily, we do have access to data from a NASA report that does provide all the data we need to illustrate a sample case. The data is provided for a Boeing 747-200 cruising at Mach 0.9 at 40,000 ft (12,190 m). In this example, the aircraft’s engines produce 55,145 lb (245,295 N) of thrust, only a quarter of its rated static thrust, to cruise at a velocity of 871 ft/s (265 m/s). Using the equations provided above, we calculate the power generated by the 747 to be 87,325 hp (65,100 kW).

    For the full story about thrust and horsepower, see: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/propulsion/q0195.shtml

  4. Nice coverage of the Magical Mystery Mini Tour. I guess that does not merrit any WRR attention.

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