5 thoughts on “Woofcast #456 Live”

  1. Not a hint of activity on the WWR page, G+, FB, or Twitter as of the advertised start time, so I gave up on you. 🙁

    1. Sorry Gary, but it was posted on the FB page, which posted to Twitter a little after 9:00p CST. I reposted it to my Twitter (@dbwilldo) and so did Nathaniel (@nathanielS). I also posted it on MotoringFile.com and it was on our G+ Plus page (here).

      Not to mention it being at the top of page here also shortly after 9:00p CST.

      Sorry you missed it.

      What you could do is sign-up for email updates in the sidebar. You will be emailed anytime there is a post here (which is about once or twice a week) and those emails get sent the second a post goes live and are super simple to unsubscribe from.

      1. “…a little after…” and “…shortly after…” don’t equate to an on-time start. So the advertised time is “squishy.” Lesson learned.

      2. Thanks for the feedback Gary, it is appreciated.

        I wasn’t pleased that we started late last night, but it was beyond my control. We try really hard to wrangle the tech required to actually do a live show and have several flaming pits of alligators to jump over and swim through to make it even work. That it starts at all is always a miracle to me, and when we actually get started less than 10 minutes late, I’m ecstatic.

        If you follow along at any of the places I mentioned in my previous comment (or that can be found in the sidebar), it will make sure that you don’t miss anything next time.

      3. Flaming pits, or flaming rum punch? (All that drink coordination takes time too.) 😉
        No worries…I enjoyed the whole 1:26:22 on YT today and won’t give up so easily next time. Keep up the great work!

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