Woofcast #458


Tonight we are all about Hal Needham winning an Oscar and spend some talking about some of the greatest movies ever. Sure, Smokey and the Bandit, but don’t forget about Cannonball Run. Moving on to much Paceman talk, including the JCW model and including some hate for the Paceman from Top Gear and Jalopnik. Add in some more GP talk and you’ve got news. Finally, my piece about dealer attitudes that Nathaniel mentioned (be sure to read the comments).

Finish off with some Ask Chad and that, friends, is that. Don’t forget the Instagram contest either. Tag those photos #wrrhubcap and you can win a fabulous pile of swag from Detroit Tuned! Don’t forget, you can also follow @whiteroofradio too!

Woofcast 458:

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5 thoughts on “Woofcast #458”

  1. Of course Jalopnik doesn’t like the Paceman; I’m pretty sure they’ve poo-poo’ed other MNIs before it as well – as one of you said, that’s what they do.

    Recently, my dealer (a former sponsor of the show) had a GP and Paceman demo on display. I was surprised to see that the Paceman did not have the expected chrome letters across the tailgate, and I thought it looked just fine that way. The new Blazing Red color looked nice – almost like a metallic Chili Red. The back seat of the Paceman was better than I expected, but where it really shines is behind the back seat: There’s a good deal more floor space in the boot than in the Countryman.

    I was excited to hear that some of the GP parts maybe available to civilians this time around; I heard that the parts dept had a GP shift knob in stock . . .

    1. All Paceman will be getting those letters. If it was the dealer demo, I expect they were stolen. I’ve seen them on the Countryman and think it looks sharp! Something you can bet we’ll be talking about during the next show.

      Speaking of GP parts, I just found out that I can put GP headlights on my MINI. Not only can I, but they are almost $30 cheaper than the lights that are supposed to go on my car. Crazy!

  2. Couple of things…

    Voice Control is still available on vehicles with MINI Connected. It’s gone on the vehicles that don’t have Nav or MINI Connected.

    Cincinatti (aka Porkopolis) is actually further away than Detroit, so once I have the money set aside I’ll be headed to DT for an install…

  3. I agree that there are tons of “Special Editions” too many. I would also think that the GP2 has been swept under the carpet by MINI over promoting the Paceman JCW!

  4. I wish that MINI would save COOPER for the R56 F56 and remove COOPER from all the other variants: MINI Clubman, MINI Countryman, MINI Paceman, MINI Coupe’, MINI Roadster, and MINI Convertible.

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