Big show this week! I know, they are all big shows because that’s how we roll here under the White Roof Radio. This week joined by our man Chris Ordon from Detroit and nxtmini.com, where we are told the podcast will be coming out of hiatus soon-ish. He joins us to talk more about the F56, this gem and MINI overall. Oh yea, here is the link to our Dr. Kay interview from MINI United 2007. There might be a quiz later.
Don’t forget the Final Test, Test Drives contest! To submit your entry, go to MINIFinalTestTestDrives.com. Official contest rules are also available at MINIUSA.com/FTTDRules. Also, you should consider playing the WRR Home Game too. Details here.
Woofcast 492:
Download | WRR @ iTunes | 32.5MB |1:10:42| Show Notes
Or does the optional variable damper control give you more control over the suspension beyond the fixed + or – 10% stiffness from the “mid” mode?
Because then you talked about customizing each driving mode so it means you can have for example sport engine with a comfortable suspension?
Also the driving modes don’t affect the steering at all?
What is that black dot on the door handle for? Is it a sensor for unlocking the door with key in your pocket?
Is there no place to put the key in the cabin you must keep it in your pocket?
Is the armrest now standard or extra?
What are the indicators above the fuel level?
Here are some nice new videos I found check them out:
Driving around (exhaust sounds nice!):
Interior design:
Exterior design (notice this car has the black brake ducts and boot handle looks much better):
Another video showing exterior (black wheels), MINI connected and interior: