Woofcast #51

Main Topic – Detailing Horror stories contest winner and listener feedback

Please forgive the delay. The WRR server was replaced last night. For those of you that were trying to access anything yesterday, thanks for your patience too. Everything appears to be working as it should, and faster then ever! Now back to our regularly scheduled Woofcast…

Over the 50 hump and moving on with listener comments and the contest winner!

But first, be sure to take a minute or 10 to cruise over to MINIcarparts.net, our newest sponsor!

We announce the winner of our detailing horror stories contest! Congrats to Jeff in Chicago, and, man, we are sorry. But you are the winner of a MINI Detailing Kit, courtesy of Detailing Concepts. Congratulations Jeff! And, to the runner ups, Todd will have something nice for you. Trust me on this.

Thanks for the comments gang. Keep sending those in and we’ll keep answering!

Listen to the Woofcasts on your cell phone! Click here for more information.

Still looking for AMVIV pictures? There is a nice write up over at Motortrend (Thanks Melissa!) plus there are tons of galleries linked over at dbmini.us

Feedback? Comment here OR feedback@whiteroofradio.com OR (206) 33-WHITE

Todd did the hard part

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11 thoughts on “Woofcast #51”

  1. WooHoo!! Second place!!! Thanks guys! Jeff DEFINITELY deserves first with his awesome vomit horror story. I can actually relate because my wife did the same thing years ago, but in a New Orleans taxi.

    The funny thing is that I didn’t think I had a chance in hell to win, so I ordered a couple of decals over the weekend. LOL!! Any chance of getting either a Vegas version or a WRR Badge instead? 😉

    BTW, mad props to you guys for doing this every week! As you can tell with all my “ums”, “uhhs” and mumbling, I couldn’t even properly articulate a 20 second voicemail. I couldn’t imagine doing it for an hour.

    Thanks again.

  2. dickdavid – I noticed you had just ordered some WRR decals – LOL. I’ll fix you up with a variety of WRR swag so you don’t end up with a pile of the same WRR decals. Although how could that be bad? : )

  3. Yes – it is the Haynes Manual you were thinking of; it’s one of the best sellers we have at MiniCarParts.net !

  4. This one?

    Yea, I used Haynes Manuals for all of my cars growing up. Of course, they were all old (’65 El Camino, ’62 Nova, ’67 Austin Healey Sprite) but I still used ’em!

  5. Awwww… you guys rock! Thanks for mentioning Motor Trend this week! I can’t wait till next years AMVIV! It was a blast meeting you guys out there!

  6. I had a friend who “painted” the heat/AC vents of his parents Caddy, same as Jeff’s wife. The smell never went away from that either.

  7. Update: I just received my prize (and my sticker order) in the mail today! Thanks again for choosing me. And thanks for the WWR magnet badge hook up!

  8. A bunch of MINI oewners have been talking with Bentley in the past few weeks, they just recently commited to making a new title to cover all 05/06 MINI models and all of the Cabrios. Which is of signifcant help to cover several dozen smaller changes and a handful of large ones. Needless to say there are lots of happy motorers out there knowing an updated manual will be available, but it will take a while as this will be a New book all together not an update, so new book will be lower on the list of prioities for the time being, no date confirmed yet.

  9. Bentley’s also asking owners (via their own forum) to specify what changes they want to see. I’ve asked for the new dash (3 pcs, instead of 5), electrical system (at least with the new fog light), and tranny and LSD to be covered. It seems like they’ve got their ears cocked, so let ’em have it! 🙂

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