Talking about mods for Hank and weather in Arizona to get us started. Todd tests the MINI Crash Avoidance System which drives us down the nanny feature rabbit hole and some of the best ways to find out how these features work in your car. Oh, and watch how well this driver corrected himself during a crash on the ‘Ring here. And then we end up down the track day/driving school/top down rabbit hole. Ending with one of my favorite websites that I think you guys will dig; Be sure to check out this TransAm. Oh, and check out the ’57 Chevy that was at Detroit Tuned last week!
This week’s featured image comes from the Facebook page, where Chuck shared this fine photo of his Bitsy Mae on the dragon from earlier this year. Thanks for the photo Chuck!
Finally, we are on Jim Petersen tire watch. For those of you that are east of the Rockies, that means almost cold weather tire season. We discuss that a bit plus tips if your TPM sensors have been going off.
It is a milestone show, so a quick shout-out to you guys for listening almost to the end of every show and even listen through the ad reads. THAT IS AWESOME! We have the best podcast listeners for all podcasts and really appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you so much for being awesome and holding us to a particular level of awesome as well!
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