Woofcast 677: BMW M5 CS vs MINI Cooper JCW vs the MINI Cooper

Let’s start by talking about Bridger’s DQ at Thermal. I was there and can verify what the line judge saw. That is not to say that he did not have the quickest run of the day, because he did. Then lets remember The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, as we originally discussed during Woofcast 21 (yes, it’s there). If you are new here, this is a great insight into the history of White Roof Radio.

Since the last time we met, it was just Gabe and I at BMW MINI Test Fest (now with updated audio, as promised!), we spent some time disucssing the cars we drove in more detail. Man, that M5CS was truly an amazing automobile! We also get some time to really talk about the updated MINI Cooper, which I thought was amazing!

As mentioned above, the audio for Woofcast 676 has been updated, if you had a hard time listening. Winter tire show is forthcoming and, really, get back in the habit of listening until the end and make sure you are following @whiteroofradio on Twitter.