For our final show of 2021, we spend more than a fair share of time talking about the leaked 2024 MINI SE photos and the rest of the time talking about electric cars in general. Plus, a few other stories from Oh, and we might have been drinking sometime during or before this episode. We finish off talking about Todd’s new MINIs.
As mentioned, this is the last episode of 2021. We do have an inteview with Mike Peyton from the LA Auto that Gabe did a few weeks ago that I’m going to be sharing with you, if you promise to use headphones. Also, there is an episode of Black Roof, if you know the secret hand shake. I am working on a better way to get that, coming very soon!
All stories we talked about linked up below!
Interview Luis Parocarpi from Lap Motorsports
[Leaked 2024 MINI SE Photos](