Woofcast 685: The Loss of a Legend

Starting off with our rememberance of Mr. Paddy Hopkirk. He was a great human that we were all lucky enough to meet and interview. We are still looking for the interview we did we him, but fear it might have been lost to the great server outage of aught nine.

Gabe catches us up on #mtts2022 and thank you to those of you that asked about Todd and I. We really appreciate that. Then, we have a little something to say about the MINI Aceman concept.

Don’t forget Black Roof Radio, the pre show for each episode, available to you 100% free of charge!

One thought on “Woofcast 685: The Loss of a Legend”

  1. Thanks for the shoutout Gabe!
    I am 100% team center console rail system! I just hope they stick with it and make a bunch of accessories for it and not just like 3!

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