Woofcast 690: Feels Like Getting out of an F150

Todd, Chad and db catching you up on all things MINI, directly from MotoringFile. No Gabe this week as he is self-embargoing all of the new MINI stuff that is coming up later this summer! It is going to be very cool. Make sure you are following MotoringFile.com for all of the news when it becomes available. Best way to follow is RSS. Next best way to follow is the MF Instagram account.

If you missed the Pride Motoring Badge at MotoringStripes.com it’s ok. Just go over and get it ordered. Pride isn’t only a month long!

Finally, a few changes coming. I am expecting to get Ride Bikes Radio back up and running within the next couple of weeks, and our man Fireball will be joining me again for The Hollywood Car Show with the first episode also dropping in just a few weeks. It’s going to be an exciting summer!


One thought on “Woofcast 690: Feels Like Getting out of an F150”

  1. ?? the battery discussions were right on point for me. I just got a new Bosch battery with 770 cold cranking amps! The car was telling me that something was draining the battery while it was off. New battery seems to solve the problem. The interwebs were wrong?

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