Jim McDowell. Head Motorer & MINI USA Chief. He’s a swell guy. I mean, he drove from New Jersey to LA in a convertible along with the rest of us. Got everyone to sign his MINI that will probably go on display at MINIUSA HQ. And he is a bit of a prankster.
During the first few days of MINI Takes the States, out of nowhere there was a cold and wet sensation felt by many of the attendees. It wasn’t rain or a leaky roof, it was Jim sneakily squirting people with a water pistol. If you were hit, you looked around to see him giggling to himself as he moved on to his next victim.
A brilliant idea was hatched to retaliate! We would weaponize the WRR Army for a surprise attack in Chicago during the rise and shine meeting. Little did we know that another faction was also doing the same thing. When that was found out, we combined forces and formulated a plan.
The Senior Managers from MINI USA were taking turns hosting the Rise & Shine rally, before turning things over to Todd and I for route notes and which In-N-Out to go to. Luckily, we were able to make sure that Jim was our host in Chicago and the rest was easy. Or so we thought.
The plan was to wait until he said Good Morning. Something that he had said during the rally every time he hosted. Except this morning. We waited and waited and waited. The code word was never said! So we improvised. When he started wrapping up, I fired a single shot over his shoulder (look for it at the :14 mark in the video), which triggered our inside man to send the go signal. The rest you can watch below.
Epic. This is why you don’t miss MINI Takes the States. More fun than should be allowed by law!