WRR rebuild part III

The rebuild continues!

As I mentioned earlier this week, all of the shows will be restored by Friday, if not sooner. All of the images will not be restored since many were and backups weren’t made. I am in the process of rebuidling the gallery right now and it too should be ready by Friday. Keep checking back!

If you sent in a picture for the gallery and it’s not there when the gallery again goes live, please let us know! Or, you can always resend the image.

Finally, if you find anything weird (other than missing shows or images for the rest of the week) please feel free to let us know! You can email us (feedback@whiteroofradio.com) or use the voicemail line (206) 33-WHITE or leave a comment below.

Thanks again for the patience gang!

10 thoughts on “WRR rebuild part III”

  1. Great to see that all y’all(I’m a couple of podcast behind, at #65) are getting the site and podcasts back up again. You guys are doing a great job with the shows, I’m enjoying each one of them…And just so you know I am from Nebraska so check that down for 7 Nebraska listeners now. And yeah just let me say I had a chance to meet Todd last Sept. at the Baron MINIthon (I had the HB MCS with white viper stripes) but I chickened out. too nervous or something. WE’RE NOT WORTHY….WE’RE NOT WORTHY….But seriously great work, keep it up!!

  2. Hey Ryan, do you work in a small building near the mall? If so I totally see your MINI every day.

    Oh yeah, and good work ‘n’ junk DB.

  3. That makes 3 replies from the Nebraska listeners. No wonder we are getting a dealership. Keep up the great work guys, no mater what happens your listeners are with you. Well, ok short of doing something strange like trading your MINI for a Smart car.

  4. We have a Super Nebraska MINI convention going on here. Is there any other Nebraska listeners?

    Yeah that is me and my MINI working in the small building by the mall. I try to back it in so everyone can see it. You don’t by chance own a purple haze MINI?

  5. No I am sadly MINIless, until I graduate at least. DB likes to point out that most of the Nebraska listeners are MINIless.

  6. Welcome to the Nebraska message board on WWR.
    My name is Jim and I am a MINIholic. Josh the first step to a cure is MINI ownership.
    Jim Petersen

  7. Some day Jim, some day… Hopefully sooner than later. At the very least, if my next car isn’t a MINI, the car after that most definitely will be.

  8. Oh man, we need more Nebraska listeners!!! I’ll have to advertise WRR a little better, just waiting for that BRASIL grill badge to come out hopefully!!! then I can get a WRR one so all the other MINIs in Lincoln can discover the joy that is WRR.

    And I’m sorry Josh that you are MINIless, I think its great that you still listen to WRR, thats awesome…..But serious you really should look in to getting a MINI, I can safely say that if you get this car it will be the BEST car that you will ever own. Hands down.

    My name is Ryan and I am a MINIholic.

  9. As soon as I can afford it I’m definitely getting one. Trust me, I’ve been following the MINI since before their American debut.

    Also, I do pimp the WRR decal in the rear window of my Cougar, right next to the Apple sticker.

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