Happy Birthday To Us

On this day in 2005, Woofcast 1 went live. Since that time, we have published almost 700 pieces of audio, have had close to 4 million total downloads and constantly place in the Top 10 in iTunes. Not only are we one of the longest running automotive podcasts, but one of the longest running podcasts, period!

We’ve been to The Netherlands, England, Germany and France. We’ve toured the MINI Plant in Oxford with a camera and a microphone, one of the first outlets allowed to do so. We’ve been to more than half of the states in the union and covered every major MINI Event at least once. We’ve done live shows and dealer grand openings. And we have had a ton of fun doing it!

And we aren’t done yet! We have big plans under the white roof to be able to bring you guys and gals even more. From more editorial content to different hosts to possible additions to our audio portfolio, we are trying our best to keep things fresh, exciting and growing!

Thanks for a fantastic 7 years! We couldn’t have done it without you!

MTTS 2012: My Experience

You already read about the first half of the journey. Now that it is over, here is the rest.

You learn a lot spending 6-9 hours a day in a MINI. You learn new terms like Elephant Race. You learn that a JCW Roadster with the top down will not keep up with a 1 //M. You learn that a Countryman makes a pretty ok truck.

You also get an idea of the scope and size of the United States. Sure, you know the US produces most of the world’s corn, but until you drive across Iowa and Nebraska, you don’t really get it just how much corn it really is. I80 from Nebraska to Colorado isn’t as bad as everyone says the first time around. In fact, it’s quite majestic. And, in Arizona, it’s not always a dry heat.

There is also the people. This car that we all love so much is nothing without it’s owners. Besides being a crazy bunch, we are also some of the greatest people I’ve ever had the chance to meet, hang out with, race with, take photos of and with and everything else you can think of.

For example, after driving on The Dragon, everyone was asking about how epic I thought the road was. If I’m honest, it’s an ok road. But, I’ve not driven it during MINIs on The Dragon, which I would imagine is about the same as going to Vegas when it’s not AMVIV. Sure the road is great, but it’s the people that make it an unforgettable experience. Continue reading “MTTS 2012: My Experience”

Listen to White Roof Radio

For you MINI Connected users, we are still working on a way to stream the show just for you. Your patience is greatly appreciated! Until that happens, we have been expanding the ways you can get The World Famous White Roof Radio!

As part of getting into MINI Connected, you can find us on Tune-in Radio. There are versions for just about every mobile device you can imagine and it updates almost as quickly as iTunes. As of today, you can also find us on Stitcher. Available for Android, iOS and Blackberry.

Both of these are free apps and provide a great way to get podcasts without having to use iTunes! Of course we are still working toward streaming the show and currently do not have a hard date we can provide at this time. For now, either of these apps should serve you well.

White Roof Radio + MINI Connected


You read that correctly gang. Your pals at White Roof Radio have been working tirelessly to make sure that you can get your WRR fix almost everywhere you go. This includes the desktop, your mobile device and, of course, MINI Connected.

At your desk at work? Want to listen without having to subscribe? You can! Open iTunes, go into Radio -> News / Talk and scroll to the bottom. Rather listen on your portable communications device? If you are rockin’ the ‘droid, check out TuneIn Radio. You can also find us in WunderRadio which is available for the Droid, Blackberry, Windows Phone and iPhone. Search White Roof Radio in any of these and we should pop right up.

For those of you that want White Roof Radio on MINI Connected, we’ve been trying, but need your help! You see, we are showing up everywhere and in all of the apps except MINI Connected and are wondering if you, the best looking podcast audience ever invented, could do us a solid?

Start by clicking on this link. Once on that page click the green button that says Tell Us to Fix it. In the comment box let them know that you would really like to have access to this show in MINI Connected. Say please. Say thank you. Tell them you love the app and how much better it would be if your favorite MINI Cooper podcast was available.

Go forth White Roof Radio Army and conquer! We’ll be sure to update as we know more.

This is a beta feature so it might seem weird or wonky or maybe a little behind. I’m working on everything in the background, so don’t worry. It will be what you expect and more very, very soon!

We’re Back, kinda

title=”P1090784 by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>P1090784

All of the White Roof Radio crew made it back to their respective start places from MTTS this week. No missing fingers, no missing toes and only 1 ‘driving award’. It was an epic trip that we will be recapping for you on next weeks show.

We’re also still working on closing out MTTS. More photos and audio interviews will follow soon.

Some of you (ok, almost all of you) noticed that, during our absence from the ‘internet airwaves’ during MTTS, something weird happened with the WRR iTunes page. Like, all of the shows magically disappeared. That was an oversight by me for not fixing that before hitting the road earlier this month. I can tell you that it has been corrected for now and iTunes should be updating shortly.

The fix is temporary and might make the feed look odd if you view it in a reader. Don’t worry, the keyword here is temporary and I will be resetting things to normal service as soon as possible.

MTTS Update from the Road


Today is Thursday, August 12th. I’m in Grand Junction, Colorado and have spent the last 5 days motoring from Los Angeles to get this far and we arrive in Denver tomorrow.

So far the trip has been fantastic! From the pool party at the Valley Ho, the Ice Lounge at -5 in Las Vegas and Quincy’s in Grand Junction, it’s been non-stop awesome. Sure it’s been a ton of miles, but it’s been a ton of miles in MINIs with some of the greatest folks you’ll ever meet; the MINI Cooper Enthusiast!

title=”IMAG0024 by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>IMAG0024

The MINI I am driving is a 2010 MINI Cooper, Chili Red/Black Top and JCW Aero Kit. I must say that when I first saw this car I was scratching my head. I mean, who would think to put an aero kit on a car without the Sport Package bits, right? The more I live with it the more the look with 15″ wheels really grows on me. I’m even starting to not mind the automatic transmission, kinda.

So far this has been an epic journey through the deserts of the Western United States. Everyone coming from this end is excited about MINIs in the Mountains and MTTS. Personally, I can’t wait!

Mobile friendly MTTS Updates

title=”MTTS Route Map by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>MTTS Route Map

Going on MTTS? Looking for something to get you even more excited about it while you wait for Woofcast 346? Have an iPhone/iPad/Android device and can’t access the MTTS website? Well Ladies and Gents, We’ve got you covered.

I have set up a page for MTTS Updates that is mobile friendly! It’s the same pages from the MTTS site, so when they update them there, they will update here as well. Go ahead, check it out. NOTE You will have to switch the mobile theme off for the page to display correctly. Once you do that, it should show up on your mobile device.

A few more pre-MTTS notes for you. If you are using an iPhone, open the app store and download the MINI Link app. If you are using any smart phone, now would be a good time to embrace Twitter. Once you do that, you can follow all of the WRR boys here. You can also get updates for MTTS from MINI USA by following @MTTS2010, @MTTS2010_east (if you are coming in from east of the Rockies) or @MTTS2010_west if you are coming in from west of the Rockies.

Woofcast 346 will be ready later today.