On this day in 2005, Woofcast 1 went live. Since that time, we have published almost 700 pieces of audio, have had close to 4 million total downloads and constantly place in the Top 10 in iTunes. Not only are we one of the longest running automotive podcasts, but one of the longest running podcasts, period!
We’ve been to The Netherlands, England, Germany and France. We’ve toured the MINI Plant in Oxford with a camera and a microphone, one of the first outlets allowed to do so. We’ve been to more than half of the states in the union and covered every major MINI Event at least once. We’ve done live shows and dealer grand openings. And we have had a ton of fun doing it!
And we aren’t done yet! We have big plans under the white roof to be able to bring you guys and gals even more. From more editorial content to different hosts to possible additions to our audio portfolio, we are trying our best to keep things fresh, exciting and growing!
Thanks for a fantastic 7 years! We couldn’t have done it without you!